Improv Poet Amy

Live Corporate Birthday Poems

Unique Office Friendly Birthday Gift

Poems created on the spot for birthdays

Celebrating with live birthday poem

Corporate Birthday Poetry-grams

Do you have a co-worker, employee or boss with a birthday is coming up
And want them to feel special and appreciated?

Then bring out Improv Poet Amy., that's me,
I will create a poem on the spot that is all about the birthday person.
Just like Drew Carey's "Whose Line is it Anyway" but done with rhyme.

After I arrive, I will have your team,
Telling stories about the birthday person, in front of the birthday person.
Then immediately after that, I will perform a rhyming poem that is all about them.

Birthday Poetry-grams can be done for as few as one person or as many people as you like.
You can even invite the birthday person's family members if that works for you. Get them a unique present that will be remembered for years to come!

Have everyone smiling, laughing & playing along 🙂

Virtual Corporate

  • Make someone feel really special and appreciated
  • Personalized improv poem
  • Fun and interactive
  • Recorded  “Poetry-gram” video  for you to keep
  • Bringing people together virtually around the world
  • Great for in-person,  remote and hybrid teams



In-Person Corporate

  • Make someone feel really special and appreciated
  • Unique gift that will surprise them 
  • Personalized improv poem
  • Fun and interactive
  • Video worthy moments
  • Delivered in-person

Starting at $449 for Denver Area

Available nationally starting at $995 plus travel

(Technical phone support is included with all virtual packages.)

For more information call or email:

Five Star Experiences

five star reviews for Spoken Word Improv Poet Amy

Companies Performed for:

US Air Force Academy
Holiday Inn
Only Natural Pet
City od Aspen, CO
Whistler Arts Council Village Animation


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