Country Music Is Poetry
Please, take a moment to listen to the lyrics & hear the poetry...
Jordan Davis - Next Thing You Know
I cannot watch “Next Thing You Know” video without crying. And for me poetry is all about being moved by words, lyrics and I feel even videos can be poetic. And this song definitely moves me. I can’t tell you how many times I have wound up arriving at my destination with my eyes being red from crying from a country song while driving there. Not always because the song is sad, but because the song is beautiful.
Here’s the thing, so many times when I tell people that I love country music, they’re shocked. They’ll say things like, “I didn’t think you’d like country music” or “you do?”. I’m not sure why. Country music takes me on a journey of someone’s life. It reminds me that every moment of life should be savored and appreciated.
Keith Urban - Wild Hearts
Keith Urban’s “Wild Hearts” reminds me to poetically live my dreams. I cannot think of anything more poetic, than living my dreams. The song says even if people told you that you cannot live your dreams, don’t give up, you can live your dreams. Living your life to the fullest, for me is poetry.
Jordan Davis - Buy Dirt
I know that in these times many people cannot afford to buy a house or land but it’s still about living life to the fullest, from where you are at and what you can afford. That’s what the song buy dirt means to me.
Cody Johnson - Til You Can't
Another song that makes me cry because it, to me is beautiful. These songs remind me that life is precious and each moment can be lived with beauty.
All of the videos that I have on this page are some of my favorite country songs. But poetic moments are judged by the person watching. I hope this post inspires people who normally would never listen to country music to give it a chance and hear it’s poetic lyrics. I cried a ton writing this post because when I watched these country music videos, their beauty spoke to my heart.
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