Improv Poet Amy

Make Someone Feel Special on Valentine's Day

Personalized Poem for Your Valentine...

Poem for Your Valentine

“Amazing! You captured our history
And the moment in a very unique and special way!”

What some ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day?



There are so many things you can do to make the people you care about feel special:

Take a moment to tell them what you appreciate about them.

Sometimes even a good natured prank makes people feel cared about.  I love a good prank.  (If it’s truly kind spirited and not mean.)

Go on a surprise adventure together!

Bake them something special with a love note written in frosting.

Write them a poem from your heart.

Plan a romantic and elegant picnic.

Think about what they love to do and incorporate that into Valentine’s Day!

And give them a special memory
With a Valentines Day Poetry-gram
Have them feeling special & loved!

Have your Valentine smiling & feeling loved!

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