It's really much easier to write poetry than you may think!
It really is much easier to write poetry than one may initially think.
Be inspired
Take a nice long walk with a small notebook and use all of the scenery to get ideas to write a poem.
Write down your ideas or let the poem float in your head. You can even record your poem using the recorder on your phone.
Don’t judge your ideas. Judging at this point kills your creativity.
Take a nice long walk with a small notebook and use all of the scenery to get ideas to write a poem.
Wake up and write
Have a notebook by your bed and let your dreams inspire you to write a poem.
Or let your first thoughts in the morning inspire you to write a poem.
Again write down your ideas or let the poem flow in your head, Don’t judge it just write it.
Food inspired poetry
As you eat, look at your food, smell it, taste it and let all of your senses inspire a poem.
Write down your ideas or record them on your phone.
And as always never judge you poem. It would e like telling a baby who is learning to crawl that they will never walk.
Take a nice long walk with a small notebook and use all of the scenery to get ideas to write a poem.
Editing Your Poem
Now is the time to read what you wrote and see if anything needs clarification or editing to make it more understandable or to flow with your own beat better. When you feel that you have done as much as you can, put the poem aside for the rest of the day.
Celebrate!!!! You are writing poetry 🙂
Go and do something that you love to do to celebrate and who knows you might get another idea for a poem.
Take a nice long walk with a small notebook and use all of the scenery to get ideas to write a poem.
Share your poems with people who are positive and supportive and give constructive rather than destructive criticism. And have fun writing more poems
And if you want a poem performed on the spot for any occasion...